Peak Performance Workshops

Peter Neufeldt
Strategic Leadership
(Formerly High Performance Leadership)
The keys to building effective executives, high performance teams and world-class organizations.
The Need
Knowledge, technology and competition are increasing today at a rate never seen before. To survive and thrive in a fast-changing world, executives and organizations must out-team, out-think and out-perform their competitors – every single day!
The Solution
The best companies have the best people, and top people are those who think and act faster and better than others. High Performance Leadership gives you the ideas, methods, strategies and techniques used by all highly effective executives, profitable businesses and world-class teams.
You learn specific, proven, practical ways to plan, organize, staff, manage, motivate and think better than ever before.
You learn how to get more done with fewer resources, and how to function effectively in times of rapid change.
How To Benefit
Each session gives you a series of practical ideas you can use immediately to get better results. You receive specific action-oriented recommendations that can be applied to every area of your organization to achieve world-class status.
- Becoming a Leader
- Key Functions of Managers
- Seven Secrets of Managerial Success
- How Excellent Leaders Lead
- The Formula for Strategic Planning
- Becoming a Master of Change
- Motivating People for Maximum Results
- Creating a Great Place to Work
- Fielding a Winning Team
- Communicate with Power
- Boosting Employee Performance
- Delegation – The Key to Leverage
- Inspecting What You Expect
- Coping with Difficult People
- The Manager, Coach and Confidant
- Getting the Best Out of Others
- Meeting Management Magic
- How to Solve Every Problem
- Making the Best Decision
- Balancing Your Total Life
NEXT PUBLIC SEMINAR BEGINS: Dates to be determined
Half-Day Workshop every other week for 12 sessions
NEXT IN-HOUSE SEMINAR BEGINS: As Requested by Our Clients
- 12 interactive, half day workshops
- Insights Personal / Management Assessment
- 300+ page High Performance Leadership Manual
- CDs for learning reinforcement
- Personal Coaching
(volume discounts available) All programs are fully guaranteed.